Lauren Thompson, M.Ed
Licensed Professional Counselor
Counseling for Individuals, Families
Children & Adults
What Happens When I Contact You?
Basic information will be taken over the phone. This includes contact information, presenting problem, insurance, and any questions you may have. If I miss your phone call, I will return it within 24 hours.
Confidentiality begins at initial contact. Confidentiality will only be broken due to: abuse/neglect of children, elderly or disabled persons. Suicidal or homicidal intent, or if there is a court order.
What Happens At the Initial Appointment?
The therapy process is different for every person. Your first appointment is a time to begin building trust and to gather pertinent information about what is bringing you to therapy; including relevant personal and family history. Depending on your specific needs, therapy can be short-term or long-term We will also identify your therapy goals.
If you are seeking couples therapy, both you and your partner must both be present for the initial appointment and all subsequent sessions. This ensures that I remain balanced and unbiased when working with you.
Children & Adolescents
During the initial appointment I will meet with both you and your child for the entire session. It is ideal if all parents/guardians are able to attend this appointment.
Sometimes sensitive information needs to discussed without your child present. If this is the case, I will speak to you alone.
For subsequent sessions the more involved you can be in your child's therapy, the better. Sessions may vary between individual and family therapy. For young children, appointments vary in time from 30 to 55 minutes based on the child's attention span.
I Want to Know More.....
Below are links to great articles about therapy and mental health.
10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Therapy
6 Ways To Make Therapy More Effective
Let's Stop Assuming People Know What Mental Health Is